Trends, Size and Forecasts 2011-2020
According to the latest report published by Frank N Raf Market Research the Global US Telecom industry is a complex business with numerous segments, which has undergone strong growth over the past ten years. Recent history has manifested significant change with extensive mergers and a rapid flow of technologies supporting faster speeds, broader coverage and expanded market penetration. The next ten years are going to bring with it even more change and challenges . New technologies such as LTE are crowding out old and the industry matures as it approaches maximum market penetration. Repeating the strong growth of the past ten years will be a challenge as mergers yield higher consolidation and concentration of players. Recent history has manifested significant change with extensive mergers and a rapid flow of technologies supporting faster speeds, broader coverage and expanded market penetration. The next ten years are going to bring with it even more change and challenges. New tec...